What to wear

Keeping warm and dry is important. Your trip will not be enjoyable if you start to get cold.

Clothes made from man-made fabrics may be preferable to cotton which soaks up body moisture and makes you cold.

We very rarely get wet from the sea when sailing, but protection from the rain and wind makes a waterproof jacket and trousers necessary – don’t forget gloves and a hat for your extremities.  Always take spare clothing with you so you can add layers if necessary as it often feels colder on the water than it does on shore.

Even on a warm sunny day, at sea you will need a windproof layer to stay warm, and remember your sun cream, sun glasses and a hat.

For anyone with long hair, a method of tying your hair back that doesn’t fall out when doing activity will be of great benefit.


Please check off this list before you leave for your sailing trip:

  • Deck shoes or waterproof shoes or boots with flat non-marking soles
  • Quick drying trousers. Jeans are NOT recommended
  • Windproof and waterproof coat with hood & full-length waterproof trousers
  • Hat and gloves
  • Bottle, flask or drinking vessel (we discourage the use of single use plastics)
  • Medication e.g. inhaler
  • Sunglasses (polarised are best at sea)
  • Sun cream and lip balm
  • USB charging cables for your phone/device
  • Sea sickness pills (to be taken before we leave the dock)
  • Soft bag or holdall for all of above

If you are staying aboard overnight you will also need a sleeping bag.