What will I eat?

Fresh ingredients are key to healthy food

A bit about food

We use all the best ingredients and cook from fresh where possible.
We like to keep our menu varied, and when guests are aboard we enjoy catering for all tastes and palettes.  Gluten free, vegetarian or vegan food. We have tried it all. But we do know that eating healthy is so important to all of us – so whilst we do indulge in a greasy breakfast or a dirty burger every now and again – we do try to ensure that everyone eats a balanced diet whilst aboard.


‘Breakfast is everything. The beginning, the first thing’

A. A. Gill
Butty Time

Time and tide waits for no one, so if we are rushing out to sea,  what better start to the day than an oven cooked sausage in a fresh bread roll.

Of course, we are not always rushing, and on those occasions a leisurely brekkie is a priority.

With freshly baked bread, your favourite hot beverage, and good company.


‘Time is an illusion, Lunchtime doubly so’

Ford Prefect
Lunch at anchor near Torquay

We will always try to stop for lunch dependant on the planned passage for the day. However, when the wind and the tide are in charge, timing can be challenging, so being able to eat when we are hungry, and not when we get there, means our second meal of the day might have to be eaten ‘on the go’.

Evening meal

We would normally expect to be staying in a Marina for the evening, and we love nothing more than sampling the local eateries.