Our Skipper

Skipper John

Born in 1969 in South Yorkshire, John has been Sailing since 1986.

Initially he sailed gaff rigged yachts without engines, sailing under a purist Skipper who taught him traditional boatmanship.
He bought his first boat in 1996, a 21′ trailer sailor, and after a brief spell on a reservoir, put her to sea on the mighty River Humber

‘where my inexperience and naivete led me to believe that a 7 Metre tide range was normal.’

John Moore

He joined racing crews in various West Highland weeks, Cowes weeks and Round the Island races, then moved to Kent, and sailed the Medway upgrading to a 30′ yacht.
He completed his Yachtmaster Offshore ticket in 2003, and sailed the  Thames Estuary and the Kent and Essex coasts.
And after a few years sailed around to the Solent and based himself in Ocean Village in Southampton, sailing the entire South coast of England, plus regular blasts across the channel.

‘A few years ago I packed up being wet and cold on a sailing yacht for the warmth and home comforts of a steel hulled Trawler. I learned to fish, and pottered around the rivers as far inland as Oxford on the Thames, and all the way around the coast from London to Dorset, stopping at every creek and harbour we could find along the way.’

John Moore

The sailing bug has got him once again though, so he sold his beloved trawler, and bought an Elan Impression 344 yacht called ‘Confidence’.

John at the helm
At the helm

After owning production boats all his life, John had always wanted to create the perfect boat for his type of sailing, and so after selling ‘Confidence’ in 2023, he embarked on a project to restore and rebuild a 1973 wheelhouse ketch.